Space IC’s POL converter SPPL12420RH on the EPPL
In July 2018 the SPPL12420RH product became registered in the European Preferred Parts List (EPPL), issue 36. The EPPL is the list of EEE parts for space applications to be used as a guideline for European space projects.
The SPPL12420RH is in ESCC certification since beginning of 2017 in the frame of the National Space Program of the DLR e.V., which is going to be completed in 2019. With successful certification the QPL listing will follow.
Since the lot qualification testing of the SPPL12420RH completed and passed in adherence to the ESCC 9000 requirements in January 2016, SPACE IC offers Flight Models of this highly efficient and easy applicable POL converter IC in hermetic ceramic flatpack 16. SPACE IC Flight Models are delivered with full screening according to ESCC.
The SPACE IC team will welcome users and customers in the field of power management and distribution in space applications at the joint booth 233 in hall C4 together with KAMAKA. During the exhibition we will perform customer survey concerning our running and planned new power management products development.