Space IC – ESCC certified and QPL qualified POL Converter (11/2023)

The European Space Components Coordination (ESCC) is an international system for the specification, qualification and procurement of Electronic, Electrical and Electromechanical (EEE) components for use in space programs. The ESCC system provides technical specifications, methodologies for component validation, test and qualification as well as quality assurance requirements.

SPACE IC is committed to follow the ESCC requirements to achieve the needed performance and reliability level for space applications. The SPACE IC quality management system includes the application of the ESCC 24600 requirements. SPACE IC is listed as ESCC Qualified Manufacturer in the European Space Components Information Exchange System (ESCIES). SPACE IC components are delivered with full screening according to ESCC 9000 and are subject to ESCC qualification in close cooperation with ESA.

The SPPL12420RH point-of-load converter IC has been ESCC certified in the frame of the National Space Program of the DLR e.V. and is listed in the Qualified Parts List (QPL).