IR – Radiation Hardened Power MOSFETs
IR HiRel R6 S-line technology provides high performance power MOSFETs for space applications. These devices have been characterized for both Total Dose and Single Event Effect (SEE) with useful performance up to LET of 60 (MeV/(mg/cm2). The combination of low RDS(on) and low gate charge reduces the power losses in switching applications such as DC-DC converters and motor controllers. These devices retain all of the well-established advantages of MOSFETs such as voltage control, fast switching, ease of paralleling and temperature stability of electrical parameters.
Different Packages:
IRHF6S7230 inTO-39 Package
IRHMB6S7260 in Tabless_TO-254AA Package
IRHMS6S7260 in Low-Ohmic_TO-254AA Package
IRHMS6S7264 in Low-Ohmic_TO-254AA Package
IRHNA6S7260 in SMD-2 Package
IRHNJ6S7130 in SMD-0.5 Package
IRHNJ6S7230 in SMD-0.5 Package
IRHYS6S7130CM in Low Ohmic – TO-257AA Package
IRHYS6S7230CM in Low Ohmic – TO-257AA Package
Please download the respective data sheets to see the different specifications.